Palimpsest Solutions
I've been hard at work behind the scenes since 2017 as Palimpsest Solutions. As Palimpsest Solutions, I believe in solid foundations, thoughtful questioning at every step of the process, and moving from general to specific. Although Palimpsest has existed since 2017, 2021 was the right time to begin operating directly with clients. Palimpsest’s independence means greater flexibility to grow and explore. I specialize in Marketing Automation (and related) technologies. If you need help building campaigns, are short on staff, or could use some training, please reach out! See the services page for more.
What is a palimpsest anyway?
A palimpsest is a document (like an illuminated manuscript or codex) that has been written on over and over. A modern equivalent would be version control software. The word evokes a sense of history and change. It shows where you've been and where you're going. You could very well call today's marketing automation, sales, and data warehouse systems palimpsests.
Who is Palimpsest Solutions?
Palimpsest Solutions is personified by Jesse Nobbe. I have a decade of experience working with web technologies. Early in my career I built emails and landing pages. I also spent time as a front-end web developer working in tools like WordPress. Later, I became an Oracle Eloqua guru and have gone on to implement, maintain, integrate, and build solutions for hundreds of businesses using Eloqua.
You can find me on LinkedIn at: www.linkedin.com/in/jnobbe.
You can find Palimpsest Solutions at: www.linkedin.com/company/palimpsest-solutions/.
Eloqua certified
Jesse is an certified Eloqua consultant with many years of industry experience.